Ready To Do Life On Purpose & With Purpose?

“As we work and achieve, we pile up titles and money. We accumulate assets and influence. We build a life, as they say. And a life is made up of things: Our job. Our house. Our car. Our relationships. Our reputation… But the Stoic knows that we never really own anything. All that we possess in this life… Everything is constantly in flux. What we have today may be gone tomorrow—we ourselves may be gone tomorrow. Understand that. Appreciate everything accordingly. Be grateful and humble…or life will rebuke you.” Ryan Holiday, The Daily Stoic; You Own Nothing

Just dang. So true! While stoicism may not entirely align with biblical truth, the wisdom found within many of the principles does (the author of the above is not a believer but I love his perspective on stoicism). I believe we can glean the practical from stoic principles what using the lens of scripture and the filter of our faith.

My take on this, biased on scripture:
Instead of accumulating positions, I think the aim of what we do should be designing and “accumulating” a life that creates an impact. Whatever is required to do that… refining skills, building a business/career, strengthening your marriage/family, developing relationships, intentional personal growth, etc. The harvest of fruit that we reap from these undertakings can be useful to others while ALSO enjoyed by us.

The first step to living life on purpose and with purpose is to break free of everything that holds us back from running our race effectively. When we are walking in freedom and abundant life, we experience a life worth living and can help others do the same!

TKN has helped over 3,000 members develop the skills necessary to become the fittest, strongest, healthiest version of themselves.

If you are ready to become your most effective self, head to 👉🏼 this link 👈🏼 to schedule a FREE call with ME to find out more about how Trevor Kashey Nutrition can help you live a life worth living! We can chat, strategize, and get you set up for success as YOU define it! The next round of 12 week KickStart program will be happening soon! So let’s go!

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| Kaci

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