How To Stop The “Unsanity”

Ahhh the old restriction rebellion guilt restriction loop. Sound familiar? One could call this the cycle of insanity. But… if we have control of our mind and body while willfully participating in it, then it’s not entirely accurate to refer to it as “insanity.” We knew what we were doing. We knew the misery that…

Do You Struggle to Stay “On Plan?”Don’t Eliminate… Integrate!

An TKN, people often come to us with a long-standing history of yo-yo dieting. It’s not that they can’t lose weight, it’s that they can’t sustain the weight loss. Why is it that so many people struggle with this issue? Obviously, there’s all kinds of factors which are unique to the individual, but there’s also…

Power Foods of the Pros

I’ve shared before how I have struggled with chronic fatigue syndrome since childhood. I’ve been to many medical practitioners and no one can seem to find a root cause or solution. For those who are not familiar with CFS, I’ll try to explain. It’s very unpredictable which is the hardest part outside of brain and…

Five Tips for Accurate Macro Tracking

So you’ve been diligent about tracking and your workouts, but it doesn’t reflect in measurements, how your clothing feels, what you see in the mirror, or the number on the scale (remember that changes in some but not others does indicate progress). You don’t understand why you’re not seeing results. You definitely understand the basics,…

The “Action Harvest”AKA The Behavior/Outcome Hierarchy

The Behavior/Outcome Hierarchy… what exactly does that mean and how can we use it? Not every decision you make or action you invest in carries the same amount of return for the time, effort, and mental energy spent. That doesn’t necessarily mean that you don’t occasionally plant the lower yielding crops, but only that you…

#GiveMe30HabitProject 09.01.2020 {#Moderation365}

Welcome to the 21st habit in the #GiveMe30HabitProject!! See this post for all the details and backstory! This month’s habit is to dip your toe in the water and see what it’s like to practice #Moderation365! The challenge this month is to pick one thing that would make your nutrition a little more enjoyable and incorporate it…

Five Tips For Developing New Habits {FTT}

Even the most exciting of new habits can die very quickly for a variety of reasons. Sometimes we forget them, sometimes we might not feel like doing them, sometimes we may feel like we don’t have time for them, etc. It can get even more complicated if you are trying to establish a habit that…

Five Tips For Saving Money On Groceries {FTT}

Groceries can add up quickly, especially for larger families, but eating healthy does not have to be expensive! Here’s 5 tips for how to save if you’re trying to stick to a budget with food! 1️⃣ Buy when on BOGO. This method works great if you want to stock up on what you use often…

How I “Splurge” When Dining At Restaurants

Are you an oyster fan, yay or nay? 🦪 Oysters (raw or steamed) can be an excellent #MacroFriendly option when dining out. Macros per 3 ounces: ~70 kcal, 2g fat, 4g carb, 8g protein. Depending on the size of the oysters, you may have 6 to 12 ounces in a dozen. They taste phenomenal with…

The Not-So-Classic Cobb

Lunches a few weeks back turned out amazing! I will be making this #MacroMicroBowl again! I enjoyed it so much, I think it will go in as part of my regular rotation. I’m calling it The Not-So-Classic Cobb 🥗 What I really love is that it only took about an hour to prep everything for…

#GiveMe30HabitProject 07.01.2020 {Burpees!}

Welcome to the 19th habit in the #GiveMe30HabitProject!! See this post for all the details and backstory! This month’s habit is all about challenging yourself to do something uncomfortable! This month’s challenge is to do burpees, specifically 20 burpees every day for the full month. It does not matter when or how you do them, just as…