Leveraging Behavior

When faced with a frustrating stimulus, do you react or do you respond? If we’re honest, most of us would admit that we react in ways which hamper our ability to net positive outcomes more often than we would like. We throw adult behavioral responsibility out the window and the toddler takes over. Any stimulus…

Do You Struggle to Stay “On Plan?”Don’t Eliminate… Integrate!

An TKN, people often come to us with a long-standing history of yo-yo dieting. It’s not that they can’t lose weight, it’s that they can’t sustain the weight loss. Why is it that so many people struggle with this issue? Obviously, there’s all kinds of factors which are unique to the individual, but there’s also…

What Will March Bring? You Get to Decide!

And just like that, February is over, and March has arrived! I’d love to know… What’s one small, positive change you plan to make this month? How did you plan to implement it? The more clear your plan is, the better! If you need help troubleshooting how to set yourself up for success, I’d love…

#KaciDoesKickStart – Distract the Toddler!

This week as part of the KickStart Program, we are learning how to tame our inner toddler (the brat that screams for unhealthy coping mechanisms when we are stressed, bored, etc.) and say yes to ourselves instead of giving into the “child’s tantrum.” We were tasked to come up with our own distraction techniques and…

Kaci’s Friday Find — Intelligent Change Five Minute Journal App!

Today, I’m sharing an app today that helps in more ways than one! I am a firm believer that little behaviors add up! I.e. small wins, when stacked over time, create massive success. You can leverage the power of incremental change because it is easy to do without being overwhelming. If you’re interested in learning…

What Will September Bring? You Get to Decide!

I’d love to know… What’s one small, positive change you plan to make this month? How did you plan to implement it? The more clear your plan is, the better! If you need help troubleshooting how to set yourself up for success, I’d love to brainstorm with you! The massive change we envision all begins…

Lean In

The thing you’re resisting might be the very thing you need the most. If something bumps up against your comfortable bubble, how do you respond? I’ll be the first to admit that I usually want to respond by pushing it away. But I’m learning to pause and check myself more. The truth is, comfort zones…

Don’t Forget That Small, Imperfect Steps Still Add Up!

If consistency with healthy habits is something you struggle with, remember you don’t need to do all the things all at once! And you don’t need to have it all figured out for it to be beneficial. Striving for perfection can keep us from actually implementing. Just get started in whatever what you can and…

#GiveMe30HabitProject 12.01.2020 {Circle Prayers}

Welcome to the 24th habit in the #GiveMe30HabitProject!! See this post for all the details and backstory!   This month’s habit is to pray over the same things daily!   Things have understandably been tough for all of us this year. So much has happened that we never could have seen coming. I think it’s important for…

#GiveMe30HabitProject 11.01.2020 {Ask Jesus}

Welcome to the 23rd habit in the #GiveMe30HabitProject!! See this post for all the details and backstory!   This month’s habit is to include the Lord in your day to day life by learning to “ask Jesus!” I recently listened to the book Walking With God by John Eldridge on Audible. I’m struck by how poorly I…

The “Action Harvest”AKA The Behavior/Outcome Hierarchy

The Behavior/Outcome Hierarchy… what exactly does that mean and how can we use it? Not every decision you make or action you invest in carries the same amount of return for the time, effort, and mental energy spent. That doesn’t necessarily mean that you don’t occasionally plant the lower yielding crops, but only that you…

Habits Are Like Seeds

Habits are like seeds. If you don’t like the fruit you are seeing in your life, plant new seeds by changing your actions (i.e. starting implementing different habits) so that you get different outcomes. But don’t get frustrated when there isn’t a harvest overnight. The seed must sprout and the plant must grow strong before…