What Gets Measured Gets Managed

What gets measured gets managed… if you use the data on purpose and with purpose. By virtue of the Hawthorne effect, the simple act of monitoring and tracking results in better outcomes. This can be applied to almost anything – behaviors, finances, what we eat, workouts, etc. The intent is to build awareness. If we…

My First Podcast Interview Is LIVE! 🎧

I recently had the honor of recording a podcast with Tyler Cannon for The Cannon Dispatch. It was a laid back and fun conversation that felt like talking to an old friend, despite the fact that we’ve never met in person. We covered a bit about my own journey – the struggles I’ve faced and…

Leveraging Behavior

When faced with a frustrating stimulus, do you react or do you respond? If we’re honest, most of us would admit that we react in ways which hamper our ability to net positive outcomes more often than we would like. We throw adult behavioral responsibility out the window and the toddler takes over. Any stimulus…

Do You Struggle to Stay “On Plan?”Don’t Eliminate… Integrate!

An TKN, people often come to us with a long-standing history of yo-yo dieting. It’s not that they can’t lose weight, it’s that they can’t sustain the weight loss. Why is it that so many people struggle with this issue? Obviously, there’s all kinds of factors which are unique to the individual, but there’s also…

How Thinking About Death Makes Us Happier…

“A conversation with death is the quickest path to seeing what you value most in life. Understanding what you value most in life means you will have an intuitive understanding of the best ways to spend your time, energy, and attention.” – Dr. Kashey At first, the concept of visiting with “death” seems rather morbid….

#MacroFriendlyMondays — ALL Foods Are Actually Macro-Friendly!

Today’s #MacroFriendlyMondays post is not actually a recipe, but rather a reminder that literally ANYTHING can be #MacroFriendly. There are no good foods or bad foods, and anything can fit so long as you account for it! Obviously there are certain foods that make it easier to hit your macro targets while also being full…

Focus Word For The Year 2020: Surrender

For some reason, I thought I had shared this post, but never did! Oh well, better late than never! Do you choose a focus word for the new year? After praying about it, the Lord gave me “surrender” as my focus word for this year. It seemed odd at first, but after digger deeper, it…

How You Do Anything Is How You Do Everything? …Maybe Not!

I have a love hate relationship with this phrase. On one hand, I totally agree. The passion that you show up with in one area of life often spills over into other areas of life and transforms them in a similar manner. For example, up until I found a love for lifting weights, I struggled…

#75Hard Day 10: Successful Outcomes + A Plant Analogy {Vlog}

View this post on Instagram Successful Outcomes (fruit) require you to POE (Prioritize, Organize, Execute). 🌱Analogy of a plant: 1️⃣ Prioritize (roots): Carefully consider and introspect on your values and goals so you start with a system that nourishes with the correct things. You want to head in a direction which aligns with good principles…

#75Hard Day 9: Complicated Doesn’t Always = Better Results {Vlog}

View this post on Instagram The story of Naaman referenced can be found in second Kings chapter 5. 🚨Don’t be fooled by the latest and greatest trends, or make the mistake of thinking that the more complicated, the better. 🚨Be willing to take action, and to follow the advice of Godly insight. 🚨Don’t be frustrated…