Struggle With Analysis Paralysis? Read This!

When it comes to our goals, there’s a variety of reasons why we procrastinate. One common issue is perfectionistic thinking. We think of analysis paralysis as a situation of information overload. In reality, it’s perfectionism in disguise. We want the “best” possible avenue to success. We feel we need all the information + all skills…

My First Podcast Interview Is LIVE! 🎧

I recently had the honor of recording a podcast with Tyler Cannon for The Cannon Dispatch. It was a laid back and fun conversation that felt like talking to an old friend, despite the fact that we’ve never met in person. We covered a bit about my own journey – the struggles I’ve faced and…

Leveraging Behavior

When faced with a frustrating stimulus, do you react or do you respond? If we’re honest, most of us would admit that we react in ways which hamper our ability to net positive outcomes more often than we would like. We throw adult behavioral responsibility out the window and the toddler takes over. Any stimulus…

Not Sure Where To Begin?

Do you struggle with turning knowledge into purposeful action? There is no need to over-complicate things! ✅ Focus on the big rocks. ✅ Implement good systems and processes. ✅ Collect data, identify correlations, and use that to make informed adjustments. See below for in the key components you need to ensure successful outcomes! Ignore the…

Do You Struggle to Stay “On Plan?”Don’t Eliminate… Integrate!

An TKN, people often come to us with a long-standing history of yo-yo dieting. It’s not that they can’t lose weight, it’s that they can’t sustain the weight loss. Why is it that so many people struggle with this issue? Obviously, there’s all kinds of factors which are unique to the individual, but there’s also…

Overwhelmed? Do This!

Overwhelmed by the idea of change? Lost faith in your ability to sustain positive, purposeful action? Discouraged by a long-standing history of unsuccessful attempts to make progress? Tired of the endless cycle of beginning yet again only to give up shortly after? Reframe the process. All it takes to overcome these mental roadblocks is ONE…

What Will March Bring? You Get to Decide!

And just like that, February is over, and March has arrived! I’d love to know… What’s one small, positive change you plan to make this month? How did you plan to implement it? The more clear your plan is, the better! If you need help troubleshooting how to set yourself up for success, I’d love…

Kaci’s Friday Find — Intelligent Change Five Minute Journal App!

Today, I’m sharing an app today that helps in more ways than one! I am a firm believer that little behaviors add up! I.e. small wins, when stacked over time, create massive success. You can leverage the power of incremental change because it is easy to do without being overwhelming. If you’re interested in learning…

How About A FREE Strategy Call? – TKN Kickstart Starts SOON!

Looking for the best option out there to help you tackle all things mindset and nutrition? Want something that’s personalized to your life, preferences, and individual situation? Wondering if our program is what you’ve been looking for to help you troubleshoot your unique struggles? Curious to find out if the TKN Kickstart Challenge would be…

🐘 Let’s Talk About the Elephant In the Room 🐘

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room. If there’s a problem big enough to cause a pain point, and the pain point is something you truly want to change, it’s usually only tolerated for one of two reasons… Either it’s decidedly ignored despite causing pain, or it’s not even noticed and understood as the…

Daily Declarations

The same authority of Jesus resides within us—there’s power and authority within our words. Speaking words of encouragement, life, and truth over ourselves and over our situations has a greater impact than we understand (more on that here). Declarations of this kind not only have power and authority to change things in the natural and…

Diets Don’t Work, So What Does?

Dieting doesn’t work. Besides the fact that it teaches you to deprive and restrict (which eventually leads to a rebound loss of control and food obsession), it also keeps you dependent on a system or coach for success. Following rules doesn’t allow you to feel comfortable or confident. It doesn’t enable you to trust yourself…