How To Stop The “Unsanity”

Ahhh the old restriction rebellion guilt restriction loop. Sound familiar? One could call this the cycle of insanity. But… if we have control of our mind and body while willfully participating in it, then it’s not entirely accurate to refer to it as “insanity.” We knew what we were doing. We knew the misery that…

My First Podcast Interview Is LIVE! 🎧

I recently had the honor of recording a podcast with Tyler Cannon for The Cannon Dispatch. It was a laid back and fun conversation that felt like talking to an old friend, despite the fact that we’ve never met in person. We covered a bit about my own journey – the struggles I’ve faced and…

Carbs Are Not the Enemy!

Last week I had someone involved in my medical treatment care plan tell me to “watch how many carbs you eat.” It was well-meaning advice related to some temporary side effects of beginning new medication. Thankfully I know better and I trust the coach managing my macro and training plan, otherwise I may have been…

Not Sure Where To Begin?

Do you struggle with turning knowledge into purposeful action? There is no need to over-complicate things! ✅ Focus on the big rocks. ✅ Implement good systems and processes. ✅ Collect data, identify correlations, and use that to make informed adjustments. See below for in the key components you need to ensure successful outcomes! Ignore the…

Do You Struggle to Stay “On Plan?”Don’t Eliminate… Integrate!

An TKN, people often come to us with a long-standing history of yo-yo dieting. It’s not that they can’t lose weight, it’s that they can’t sustain the weight loss. Why is it that so many people struggle with this issue? Obviously, there’s all kinds of factors which are unique to the individual, but there’s also…

Self-Awareness Makes A Massive Impact!

📊 Tracking your macros…🏋🏻‍♀️ Pushing for progressive overload…💳 Sticking to a budget…🍽 Assessing how your body responds to certain foods…⚒ Sharpening a new skill… Don’t just “trust the process,” be ENGAGED in the process! Awareness → Revealed Gaps → Fill With Developed Skills → Net Better Outcomes By being consistent with choices and behaviors, you…

Control What You Can Control

You can’t control everything that happens in your life, but you can control how you respond to it. Your response dictates the outcome. If you want to improve the quality of an outcome in any situation positive or negative, the way you respond is critical! The struggle is that we are not robots. Any given…

Macro Friendly Mondays — TKN Scallops & Zoodles!

This one comes directly from the Trevor Kashey Nutrition blog recipe archive! Ready in less than 10 minutes, this seafood dish makes an easy but impressive main course or party starter. Scallops are fast and versatile, so you can have them for lunch or dinner. A lighter plate of lightly dressed mixed greens are a…

How To Get Unstuck!

Feeling stuck? Ugh. We get it – and we want to help! We understand how frustrating it is to want to change something in your life. To strive and strive, only to end up with the same result over and over. Whether it’s your weight, your relationships, your career, or your finances, being stuck is…

Macro Friendly Mondays — Power Foods Strawberries & Dreams Bowl!

This is a super fast and extraordinary simple meal inspired by a KickStarter. I’ve actually planned it for my breakfasts this week, but it’s honestly delicious any time of day! One for the #MacroMicroBowl archives! I had this for breakfast today and I’m already dreaming about having it again tomorrow—hence the name 🤣 Ingredients:🍓 56g…

#KaciDoesKickStart – Navigating Frustrating Stimuli!

Very many times in the past, I have not responded to a frustrating stimulus in the best manner. I will often start dumping the thoughts in my head (which are unsane as @DrKashey would say and emotion driven) immediately out into words. This does not help in any capacity. It only makes my frustration worse…

Power Foods of the Pros

I’ve shared before how I have struggled with chronic fatigue syndrome since childhood. I’ve been to many medical practitioners and no one can seem to find a root cause or solution. For those who are not familiar with CFS, I’ll try to explain. It’s very unpredictable which is the hardest part outside of brain and…