The Only Way Around Is Through! {Vlog}

Every time you avoid something, you teach yourself that it has power over you.  By attempting to circumvent, you reinforce belief patterns that you are not capable of more than your present state. Also, when you don’t choose to do the work of facing it, you instill a mentality that shortcuts and quick fixes are…

Holiday Game Plan Tips! {Vlog}

I know everybody has their 2¢, but I want to chat about how to enjoy the holidays on purpose and with purpose, as Dr. Kashey would say! Use these tips for Thanksgiving, Christmas, or really any party or event! After you listen, let me know what you plan to use and tag a friend who…

How to Make A “Failure” A Win! {Vlog}

“You can’t avoid making mistakes, but what you can do is avoid making the same mistake multiple times.” – Dr. Kashey Taking the philosophy of “I either win or I learn“ means that failure becomes feedback which you can actually use to move you in the direction of successful outcomes instead of viewing a “fail”…

The 3 Levers of Success Coaching Framework {Vlog}

At Trevor Kashey Nutrition, we know that when you focus on becoming the person required to achieve the outcomes you are after—success as you define it—you’ll be able to attain AND sustain the goals you have in mind—and then some! When you focus on the work of becoming the person who has the skills, knowledge,…

Eating Less is NOT the Answer—THIS IS! {Vlog}

Head to this link 👉🏼 👈🏼 to schedule a FREE call with ME so we can chat about enrolling in Kickstart before the deadline and strategize setting you up for success!

Do I Believe In “Sugar Addiction?” {Vlog}

👉🏼Chatting about how the idea of “sugar addiction” is misleading at best, harmful at worst.👉🏼Discussing the concept of pedestal foods and how they can perpetuate the idea of the addictive properties of food.👉🏼Food restriction can lead to just as much bondage as overindulgence with pedestal foods.👉🏼The ultimate goal is freedom from the yo-yo cycle of…

A Quick #MacroHack {Vlog}

  ✅ When using salad dressings like vinaigrettes that have a lot of oil that separates to the top, you can save on fat and calories by discarding a good portion of it. ✅ Note: I am not advocating avoiding using some oil or fats in your salad, as you need them to help absorb…

#75Hard Day 75: A Few Takeaway Lessons {Vlog}

View this post on Instagram ▶️ For those who have been following from day 1, you know that I started this challenge to get a better perspective on what it’s like to be a beginner again. ▶️ I’ve established a consistent process of habit development and wanted to remember the struggle of things so I…

#75Hard Day 73: The Importance Of Trying New Things {Vlog}

View this post on Instagram ▶️ As kids, we are constantly exposed to new ideas and information. Everything is brand new. There is excitement and joy living every day in the moment of constant engagement with all of these new things. ▶️ As adults, we eventually lose the excitement of life on a day to…

#75Hard Day 72: Things Can Shift In A Moment! {Vlog}

View this post on Instagram ▶️ Sharing something a little bit different today. I felt like the Lord wanted me to give a word of encouragement! ▶️ I was thinking about how the temperature went from in the 70s to in the 30s literally overnight. It was not fun for the walk this morning 🥶…